Fire Damage Restoration Professional Guide - Planning for a House Fire

As far as cataclysmic disasters go there are few things as staggering as a fire that damages your property and personal belongings. A fire in your residence is a harrowing and an emotionally draining event, whether it damages everything or not. But there are certain measures you can take to decrease the chances of a fire from happening in your house. The fire damage restoration team from Paul Davis understands the severe situation of house fires and that's why it's important to know how to prepare your house and what to do when a fire occurs.

Preparation for House Fire - Fire Escape Plans & Recovery

Safety should be the number one priority when prepping for a house fire, and smoke alarms and fire extinguishers need to be placed throughout the house. Smoke alarms are critical since a fire can come out of nowhere and you have to do something as quickly as possible. Another thing to think about with smoke alarms is obtaining ones that can catch smoke produced from electrical fires. Finally, any children residing in the house have to be taught about what a smoke alarm sounds like when it goes off and what to do when it occurs. Some other precautions consist of outlining emergency routes in your house. Design a plan and make sure everyone in the house understands the emergency fire escape routes – there needs to be two exits for every room in the home. Also, it's fundamental to have a planned meeting spot outside so you know who gets out of the house and who is absent. Taking inventory of your personal property is a good idea for insurance purposes just in case all your stuff is destroyed by the flames. You'll also want to keep important items like birth certificates and passports in a fire safe box, and you can create digital copies and upload them to a cloud drive for back ups.

Things to Think about to Decrease House Fire Risk

Here are some aspects to recognize so you can minimize the risks and hazards that are correlated with house fires:

  • Portable Heaters: Not under any circumstance should you allow a space heater neglected, and keep flammable objects three feet away from it. It's also essential for your heater to have the correct features for safety. For example, it shutting off when it tips over.
  • Appliances and Electrical: Perform a routine examination on your appliances and make sure the cords and plugs are in working condition. If your light switches are hot to the touch, then it's time to replace them.
  • Children: Train your children that fire is not something to play with, and be sure to store lighters and matches in a place that is out of reach and out of sight.
  • Cooking: It's of the utmost importance to be attentive in the kitchen and to not leave food being cooked alone. Without exception have someone there to monitor everything going on.
  • Smoking: Cigarettes and cigars are severe fire risks, and smoking outside is the finest way to avoid a house fire. If you smoke inside, make sure you have deep ashtrays and that you never smoke in bed or while you're drowsy. Additionally, not under any circumstance should you smoke inside when someone in the house is on oxygen as this is highly combustible.
  • Fireplaces: Obtaining a legitimate screen for your fireplace is necessary for the safety of your home and everyone who lives in it. Ensure that it is sturdy enough to prevent sparks and logs that roll. You also need to clean your fireplace and chimney consistently to clear away the highly combustible creosote that builds up.

Call the Fire Damage Restoration Experts from Paul Davis

Immediately get in touch with the professional fire damage restoration team from Paul Davis if your home has had a fire. Our skillful team can restore any fire damage and get your residence back in a habitable condition. For a franchise near you, reach out to us at 888-473-7669.